Your next era evolution

Our own platforms and content to support you with the superpowers of the future

Leveraging Transformative tech such as neurofeedback, biofeedback, VR and other technologies plus content towards upgrading youth, people and organizations for well-being, peak performance and the skills needed for a new era

  • Working towards bridging the gap between exponential technology evolution and linear human evolution.
  • Questioning at the same time whether this is a good idea or not for human and planetary well-being and happiness!
  • We develop, test and deliver our own platforms and projects towards the above direction while keeping in mind and believing that at the end it is more important to “learn how to be”, than to learn “how to do”.

Alpha labs: Create the future

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The first exponential technology labs for children and youth. Familiarizing a new global generation with the tools to create the future. So that children and youth become Creators, able to solve real world challenges with the help of technology as a tool.

Designed and developed by in collaboration with Big Bang Education, Alpha labs consist of different labs based on VR, Media, AR, 3D printing, 3D design and more.

Xfuture Demo room

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For the first time in Greece a place where you can see, touch, understand, discuss exponential and transformative technologies and how they affect your future (business and personal). More than 15 hands on technologies, constantly updated and renewed.

A 60-90minute curated experience, including an introduction to exponential and transformative technologies and a discussion about your needs and opportunities.

Xfuture Academy

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A unique learning platform to acquire the work and life skills for the future and the “Future of work

Leveraging technology and more specifically two fast growing tech areas: Exponential technologies and Transformative technologies.

PowerX is an official member as well as a leader of Athens Greece chapter for Transformative Technologies Academy and global community. PowerX is also an official member of A360 / Singularity University program.

The modules and programs are developed for organizations or individuals, in collaboration with selected Academic partners and Universities.

Innovative modules such as “Creating new realities” and more, include unique hands on experience in our Xfuture studio, our Xfuture demo room, equipment and experiences (VR training, AR, interactives and more).

FutureU: Upgrade yourself

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A platform to untap human potential. Upgrading people and organizations.

An innovative physical, digital and virtual platform for organizations to untap human potential
with the help of transformative technologies. Upgrading and thriving in the new era.

Upgrade your Health, Mind, Body, Spirit, Work, Time, Life…

Tech Fest: Touch the future

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Technology is growing exponentially and it seems that Humanity has been left behind.

Exponential technologies literacy and familiarization for all the people is one of the key challenges of our times to deliver power to the people!

Designed and developed by, offers a number of hands on interactive experiential stands, showcasing exponential technologies such us VR, AR, Motion capture, Drones, Robotics, 3D scanning, 3D printing, Telepresence, Man machine brain interface, Move in VR and more.

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Seeing is believing!
Learn more or request a live demo and visit

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