Nov. 13 - 14 2020. TransTech Conference 2020 — great news + discount code - PowerX.Tech
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Nov. 13 – 14 2020. TransTech Conference 2020 — great news + discount code

Nov. 13 – 14 2020. TransTech Conference 2020 — great news + discount code

PowerX (and Yannis Sotirakos as leader of the Transformative Technology Community Athens Greece chapter) are happy to offer to you a special discount to the only international tech conference about Human transformation and Well being.

If you’re the founder or investor of a wellbeing/tech company, or a professional in the HR space, or just interested in the next big idea, please do not neglect this!

This year’s virtual conference is richer than ever with more than 1,100 attendants, speakers and keynotes!

It’s taking place virtually, on November 13-14.

What’s more, some of the most respected thought leaders in the transformative tech and human wellbeing space are beating a path to speak and share their ideas. People like:

  • Ivy Ross (Google’s VP of Design for Hardware Products) — the executive who is responsible for, and overseeing, the development of Google’s next generation of wearable, human-centric tech.
  • Mark Bertolini (former Chairman and CEO of Aetna) — one of the first Fortune 500 CEOs to reimburse preventative health and wellbeing activities for his employees and health insurance clients, who has inspired a sea change in enterprise benefits.
  • Jeff Walker (Chairman of New Profit) — one of the key venture philanthropists behind important movements, such as the growth of mindfulness in the US and the eradication of malaria.
  • Poppy Crum (Chief Scientist of Dolby Laboratories) — who is pioneering some important work on how our surroundings affect our productivity, metal health, and physical wellbeing.
  • And many other pre-eminent figures.

They’re all here for one reason.

In summary:

Humanity finds itself at a critical juncture right now. The COVID-19 pandemic was the kind of “black swan” event that happens once in a few generations. And if it would have hit us a few decades ago, it might have brought the world to its knees. But technology has allowed us to adapt.

Technology has empowered us to find new ways to work, play, and, in some cases, even thrive in this new environment. That said, the world is hungry for new solutions. For transformative technology. Now, more than ever before. There’s never been a better time to work towards Human and planet Well Being!

Also, we’ve secured a 15% discount for you. All you need to do is click the link below:

» TransTech Conference — Buy Your Tickets Today

Thank you and see you there! November 13 and 14 2020!


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